Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to give new life to an old chair

I bought this chair for a dollar at a garage sale.
Bought  three cans of spray paint for 2.50 each at ACE
It was time for a new sewing chair!
The one I have now is on wheels and being
our basement floor is not even it makes sewing
even more difficult then it already is for me!
So When I drove by a garage sale and saw this I HAD to buy this. I think my husband thought I lost it!

I took off the seat and it was ready to spray paint
While I let the paint dry I worked on the seat.

I didn't take pictures of this process.
I bought some seat foam at Joann's and Cut it to size. I then took
some scrap fabric I had and cut that to size. Because I do not have
a staple gun I went ahead and used a hot glue gun......I really wished I had a staple gun!
But it worked alright.

Once The painting was done
I went ahead and screwed the seat back on!

I was pretty pleased how it turned out for my first time!
This picture makes it look better then what it really is. The fabric is pointing
out on the sides and the inside of the chair is not painted cause I ran out of
paint. I bought silver instead of gray for my third bottle....grrrrr. Being I was too lazy to
go back to the store I left it the way it was!
 I am just putting it down stairs where it is dark anyway!
The total project cost me about 7 dollars . It took about 2 hours
 because I had to wait for it to dry. So I was able to do little stuff in between. I spent about 15 min. on the seat itself.

If I would to do this project again I would first get the same color of spray paint :). I would also sand
down the chair and use regular paint and brush to give it a cleaner finish.
When it comes to the seat I would of taken more time to make sure all my edges were flat. I would also made sure I had a staple gun!

Overall I am VERY Happy with the chair. You know Being I had no clue what I was doing and probably did not do it even close to how you are actually to re-finish a chair.I have not had a chance to use it yet but every time I walk by it I smile :)

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