Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the 1-800 number

It has been one of those mornings I am tired, my heart is heavy for those I know that will have a hard day today. I am trying to get everyone breakfast and I have not even had my coffee yet! Then the phone rings, seriously! thought about not answering but then I have to listen to it ring. I picked it up with not a very welcoming hello. I noticed it was a 1-800 number and I am prepared to hang up.
The guy on the other line states he is from a charity we have given to in the past. They are always sending or calling for more donations. I was just about to say not at this time sir but decided to let him continue to speak as the kids had their food and were busy eating. He stated that the money would go to feed children that otherwise would not get a meal. He went on to speak about these children not knowing where their next meal would come from and I looked over. I had three kids stuffing their faces. Not a worry about them in fact one of the children was getting their second breakfast of the day. How humbling to  know we are one of the "lucky ones". It is so easy to say I don't have enough money, my house is to small, we need this and they need that. But really we have enough. I am rich. I have a roof over my head with central air and heat. It keeps me dry and safe. My kids are healthy and fed daily. I never have to worry about putting food on their table and where the next meal will come. We have everything we need right here. Our house is filled with love and laughter. Which is the most important thing in my opinion.
 I am rich I have enough to give. I am one of the "lucky ones". 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Baking muffins

I am no good at baking. I honestly really dislike it. But we are working really hard around here on spending less on groceries. And when picking up our snacks for the week I realized we were spending almost 20 dollars! I like my 100 calorie packs, Jon enjoys chips or crackers and for savanah I try to buy organic crackers or fruit snacks. So I have decided to make our own snacks!
I have started weight watchers so I got on there website. I picked out a muffin recipe which  was AWESOME The first time I made it. So the second day I decided to make double the amount to freeze.............they were HORRIBLE! No one would eat them. One of the children I watch said:
 "Miss Lisa do I have to eat this?"
I said "No if your not hungry"
the child said "no I am still hungry but I don't like this muffin"
 me {dieing alittle inside}

Not wanting to give up easily I decided to try again a few days later. They turned out pretty good however when I went to serve Savanah the muffins Saturday morning
 she said "mommy I don't like those muffins"
me "no I made new one"
her "where r the new ones?"
me "there on the cabinet"
her "where are the old ones?"
me "they are in the three seasons, I am going to see if the ducks will eat them."
her "show me"
me "Savanah don't you trust me"
her "no show me"

I have decided the recipe is very sensitive. If you don't make them just right they taste funny. So I will not be sharing this recipe. Well really people do you want to eat these muffins after hearing the doubt and disgust that three year olds have for these muffins :)
I have found a few good cookie recipes and will share in the near future!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'M BACK....for now

Wow it has been over a year since I posted anything. I have written a few things but never got them up! I stopped posting cause I didn't know how I wanted this blog to go and honestly I was just trying to keep up with everything that was going on!
 Now that my life has settled down I will catch you all up!
  •  We found out we were preg. on Christmas day!
  • Savanah started speech thearpy
  • we found out we had lead in our house and had to get in removed
  • May we took Savanah in because she would stop breathing in the middle of the night
  • Savanah got her tonsiles and adnoids out two weeks later.
  • 1 1/2 weeks after her surgery we moved out of our house into a hotel for 2 weeks. so they could do the lead project
  • Savanah gets kicked out of speech cause she was doing so awesome!
  • My pregnancy was going awesome and we started preparing for our new baby
  • One night in August savanah puked for the first time ever(glad I had my mommy there to help!)
  • one day after she started feeling better I got the bug and was put into the hospital overnight to get an IV to keep miss or mr. no name healthy.
  • Jon went home to sleep and got sick himself
  • Savanah turns 3! with two parents that have never been so sick. Luckily others made that day very special for her!
  • Sept. 2 we welcomed Natalie Anne Pope into our family.
  • That night Miss Savanah met her sister and hasn't stopped being proud of her little sister.
  • We suffered many a sleepless night and days.
  • 4 weeks after Natalies birth the kids came back, I was now watching 6 children total
  • Jon and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary
  • Savanah was a monkey  and Natalie was a banana for Halloween.
  • Jon's grandpa was welcomed to heaven
  • A week later We said goodbye to one of the strongest women I know, My grandma Hoeger
  • Natalie had her first Christmas
  • We welcomed in the new year
  • We decided to put our house up for sale
  • we did lots and lots of house projects with lots of help
  • Jon got a raise and we decided to down size my childcare a little.
  • Natalie decided to finally roll over and sit up at 8 months
  • Savanah's favorite activity is to draw pictures for daddy and put them under his pillow
  • our house is still up for sale!
Well that brings us up to date! Hopefully I can find more time to write!

Oh I almost forgot anyone need a house I know of one for sale?